Sunday, August 15, 2010

Only one more secret!

Last Thursday night, Warren and I facebooked the baby! The same evening he told his sister. Then Friday morning, I shared at work, for anyone who is not on facebook that is! Most of my coworkers seemed to already know...and my friends and work did tell me that there were rumors going around! The best part about work is that my friend Sarah is also pregnant. She facebooked it about a week ago. Of course at that point we hadn't told everyone, so I messaged her and told her. We are less that three weeks apart, with her due date being February 9th. I am just so excited that we are going to get to go through this together!!! It has already been a lot of fun!
So who is the only secret left? My nana. God love her, I just haven't been able to tell her yet. My nana is one of the most important people in my life. She took care of me (not as in I have a deadbeat mom, as in childcare!) until I was in middle school and even then I still hung out with my nana on the weekends. We have always been super close and actually if this baby is a girl she is getting named after my nana. However, in recent years nana has spent a lot of time telling me not to have kids, that the world is too ornery, and so on. Like, a lot of time. So that is where my hesitation comes from. I think today might be the day though, so if I get the nerve, wish me luck!

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