Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Belated New Year!

Ok so 12 days in to 2013, I am going to make an attempt to return to the blogging world. I have lots to say and share and I figure I should get with the program. I know at least my dad will be happy, as I think he is the only person who reads this anyways.

Of course I am obliged in my New Years post to discuss my resolutions for the year ahead. Just like everyone else in the country I want to get fit. The only significance this has for me is that I ALWAYS want to lose weight and I am finally beyond that. I currently weigh about seven pounds less than when I got pregnant. If I lost weight, that would be fab, but its not my goal anymore. I need to, as said in Knocked Up, "tighten up". To start this, I am starting small by trying to run 1x per week and do yoga 1x per week. Baby steps.
My next goal for the year is to pass my National Boards. It sucks and is taking over my life, but the money will be worth it.
I also want to take more trips. Like little ones.
And finally the big ugly monster of being more responsible financially. Student loans and childcare definitely throw a wrench into this, but my Target problem doesn't help. "Oh! It's in the dollar bin. I'll take thirty."

Last but not least, a little family update since I quit my blog for-ev-er ago:
DH started of the year with a big disappointment when last week he found out he did not get a new better job (still at Baptist East) that he was up for. Wee are still mourning that one.
Little Man is approaching two, attending Friends School with the most precious preschool teacher ever, Martha, and in general just being wild and crazy and adorbs.
The grandparents are all about the same. My MIL painted the governor this past year and I went to the unveiling and chatted it up with ol' Steve.
My grandmother passed away in August and my nana, who practically raised me, had a bad fall Thanksgiving weekend, spent about a month in the hospital, and is now in a rehab facility.

P.S. Whoops! Didn't mean to end on such a sad note!

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