Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mr. Bright Eyes

Since I now have such a wake-y boy, I have been neglecting my blog. I am writing today with the unfortunate news that my blog is sure to be further neglected because I have to return to work tomorrow. Waaaah! Luckily, I am finishing out the year and knocking out some pd and then will return home for the rest of summer! Yay! I found out a few weeks ago that today is my 60th day of FMLA leave and after that your benefits expire. Yikes! So I am dragging myself back to work tomorrow. Honestly, I AM excited to see my kids, coworkers, and simply get out of the house. But I could do with about two days, instead of seven. And yes, if you are reading this and you had to go back to work after six weeks, please feel free to not pity me one bit. Being a SAHM is not really up my alley. I love my job and the sense of purpose it gives me. However, I wish so much that we were in a financial position that I could work part time. But we're not, so there you have it.
Back to the babe. Man, he has been SO alert! He just smiles and smiles all the time. He likes to do this thing where he is on his playmat and he makes this smug little smirk as if to say "Oh yeah, you think that's cool? Watch this." And then he smacks the crap out of the dangling animals. So then I will start carrying on "Oh wow! You're so strong!" and he just grins and grins showing off for his mama. ADORABLE! New faves are also being bounced on the bed and laying on my belly and flipping himself off onto the bed. And yes, we've videotaped it all.
Roman turned three months this past Tuesday. I wish he were going to the doctor, because I would love to see how much he weighs and his height, but not until next month. We have a new doctor by the way. Dr. Tim Corba at KidsRGr8 (I despise the name) Pediatrics. When I was pregnant I heard he was awesome, but I did not want to drive all the way to New Albany. Then when we found out our doctor sucks, I still figured we couldn't go to Dr. Corba because he has to be in network with Baptist East because of Warren's insurance. However, we found out we can and so we are. Best of all, NO required vaccinations!!!
I took three month photos of Roman yesterday and they are precious.

This is my favorite :)

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