Yesterday was Roman's 1 month birthday. So he needed a photo, especially a photo with a loud, celebratory color scheme. It is unbelievable that a month has passed already!
I am a second grade teacher, wifey, and mama. I make aprons and I have a little online shop called Cotton Blossom. I love yoga, chocolate chip cookies, UK basketball, and spending time with my girlfriends.
Warren is an exercise physiologist in cardic and pulmonary rehab. (Yeah, it's a mouthful!) On the side he is a personal trainer, beer brewer, and mountain biker. He loves the Cats, the Steelers, and the Cardinals-St. Louis that is.
We met my sophomore year of college. When Warren had moved to Louisville a few years before, he moved in next to Matt. The two became close friends and still are. As it turns out, Matt is my best friend Ashley's older brother. Ashley and I were home for Christmas break and met up with Matt and friends-including Warren. The next weekend I ran into him again after a party. That was January of 2004 and the rest is history. We were married October 28, 2006 and are living happily ever after.
Roman Lee Thomas was born February 24, 2011 at 4:48 PM. He was 7 lbs 7oz and 21 inches long.
Oh our fur baby! Zeus is a chocolate lab, born October 13, 2005. He was my Christmas gift from Warren that year. He is the greatest dog in the world and probably the cutest. He loves fetching, swimming, meat, and his girlfriend Zena.
Awww, those diapers are so cute! Glad you got a picture in one!