My lovely mother-in-law purchased this kit for me as a shower gift.
The kit consists of OsoCozy unbleached cotton prefolds. You get 36 small and 24 medium. It also contains Bummis Whisper Wrap covers. You get 4 small and 4 medium. Last, it includes a roll of Bummis diaper liners. The prefolds are amazing. I always have enough with the amount in the kit. I have been super pleased with the diapers. I also really like the Whisper Wrap covers. However, 4 is not enough. I have found you need 8 to keep from doing laundry everyday. I purchased these separately from Amazon. Many people prefer pocket diapers. I have used them, as you will read below. I prefer the prefolds because if it is just pee, you can change the diaper and reuse the cover. I think it is much easier.
Now when Roman was first born, none of the diapers from my lovely kit above would fit. So my darling sister-in-law sent these Bummis All in One pocket diapers. She sent them in a newborn size. This still would not fit for the first three weeks. So for the first three weeks, we used disposables. Then I went to the All in Ones. I used those until 2 months. Now, I have a giant baby, so they may last longer for other babies. While I was using the All in Ones, I used the Bummis liners from my aforementioned kit. They are biodegradable, so you just flush them right down the toilet. They were helpful since the pocket diapers do not hold up to stains as well as the prefolds. However, I do not use the liners with my prefolds.
Finally, I use Rockin Green detergent. It is a miracle product. I love it. It get the diapers so clean. I get the unscented. I tried scented and it's weird. Scent mixed with poop only smells like even weirder poop :)