Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oooooh a video...

After my earlier post I decided to clean off my point and shoot camera. On there was this video of us announcing my pregnancy to Warren's parents. I gave them the photo frame that is photographed in an earlier post. So here for your viewing pleasure....

Every time I watch this, it still puts a smile on my face.

Well Hey There Little Fella

The past two weeks I have been completely freaked out because I have not been feeling the baby move all that much. However, the past two days that little sucker is acting like he just signed up for a kickboxing class. Then, last night, we were laying on the couch watching tv and....Warren felt his first kick!!!! Which he of course was so thrilled about! I was excited to tell people this, however, Roman is hanging out really low, so I am not really welcoming others to start feeling him kick if you know what I mean :)

Today I am going to a cloth diapering class. I am pretty sure I am cloth diapering, but ugh, every time I even try to read anything about it, they use all this terminology that I have no idea what it means. So I am going to go check it out.

Also, I think it is high time for some photos. I know I am due for a belly photo, and I also think I should share some very cute gifts I have gotten! I will see what I can do!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Darling Husband

Lately I have been thinking about how wonderful my husband is. Warren gets an A+ for his job supporting his pregnant wife. Not that he sucked before or anything, but prior to upcoming parenthood Warren definitely was the guy who had to be asked to do something, then did it after about the third time something was said about it. Warren is really easygoing, and I have a type A personality, so I usually took care of stuff. And not to be mean, but if something was important I typically did not trust him to take care of it. However, in recent months things have changed. Warren takes care of everything.
Warren has turned into this organized, proactive, agreeable, helpful, wonderful person. He is completely on top of things in a way that I have never seen before. Then on top of all of life's worries and stresses being more evenly distributed, I also am being pampered with foot rubs and back rubs.
Warren and I have always been crazy about each other. I mean duh, we fell obsessively in love when we were 20 and 22. And though we have "grown up" by getting married, getting through school, starting careers, buying a house, etc., this is the first time I have really taken notice of Warren truly becoming a man. In the old fashioned, take care of your family, provider sort of way. And it's pretty sexy too :)