Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh Baby (Belly)!

I have now reached the point in pregnancy where my belly can be see, commented upon, and
touched constantly. It is not big, but the past two weeks it just popped right on out there. The first picture below was taken almost two weeks ago. Since then my bump has changed dramatically! The month four photo should be really interesting!

September 8, 2010

Month Three

August 15, 2010

Month Two

July 9, 2010

Month One

Friday, September 10, 2010

Doctor, Doctor

The doctor visit was pretty uneventful. We listened to the heartbeat and I got weighed. That's about it. I have lost one pound. Dr. Thompson asked if I have been sick. I said no, and that I had taken up having dessert nightly with a tall glass of milk (and if you know me you know there is no glass)! Keep this up and there might be something to this pregnancy stuff :) I know, I know, I'll start gaining soon. So a normal heartbeat is between 120-160. When Dr. Thompson listened to the heartbeat, she told us that it's an old wives tale that if the heartbeat is closer to 120 it is a boy, and if it is closer to 160 it is a girl. Ours was 140. REALLY?!?! On the topic of gender, my next appointment is on October 4th. I will be 18 weeks. My doctor's office seriously makes you wait until 20 weeks for your ultrasound. Lame. Sooooooo October 19 is my ultrasound-let the countdown begin!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby Dreams

Well, I am now 14 weeks and 1 day. Today is Warren's 29th birthday and we just finished a lovely breakfast and then are heading to the doctor. After a relaxed morning, heading to work sounds TERRIBLE, but I'll cope. At least I have his birthday dinner and german chocolate cake to look forward to!

Last week I had my second baby dream. Again, it was a boy. Hmmm...
In the dream my baby was about the size of my friend's three year old. Thank goodness the birth wasn't in the dream! My little giant baby was fine with me, I was crazy about him! He looked like me, or my dad, depending on how you want to look at it. Which is funny because rationally I have always imagined our children taking after Warren. Anyways, me and my giant baby played and snuggled. It was only weird when strangers would come up to me and say, "Oh what an adorable little boy! How old is he?" Then I would reply, "Oh he's 5 months old." That is when the strangers would look at me as if I were on crack. The weirdest thing about the dream is the aftermath. So far I have just been going along, excited to buy clothes, excited to decorate a nursery, etc. Somehow in that weird little dream everything changed. I LOVED that baby. Now ever since I am dying to meet this little person. On a side note, I have also been dreaming about my bf's pets. Weird.

We are off to the doctor!